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Ready to find out what MSU Denver can do for you? We’ve got you covered.
If you are considering MSU Denver or any of our Engineering or Engineering Technology programs, please browse the different Program pages found in the menu, and if engineering is right for you. There you will find more information about what you can do with your degree after graduation, what classes are offered and required, as well as contact information for both the department and faculty who may be able to answer more of your questions. If you have more questions, you can contact us at 303-615-0499 or [email protected]
We are an ABET accredited Engineering Technology program, along with Computer Science and Computer Information Systems. ABET accreditation is something you should consider if you are interested in engineering or engineering technology programs and careers. The ABET accreditation designation allows our Engineering Technology graduates to take both the FE and PE exams, which are important depending on what aspect of engineering or engineering technology you are interested in.
Our Environmental Engineering and Electrical Engineering Programs have recently been ABT accredited.
If you decide to attend MSU Denver (we’d love to have you), be sure to check out the Tuition and Financial aid page, the EAET Scholarship & Aid, and know that all MSU Engineering Programs here at MSU Denver only require University admission. Apply Now.
Transfer students will need to meet with an advisor. For general studies and other non-engineering classes transfer students can meet with an a College of Aerospace, Computing, Engineering and Design advisor; appointments can be made here. However, if a transfer student wishes to transfer in engineering courses s/he will have to meet with a faculty advisor. Please see our advising page for contact information. For more information about transferring, please visit Admissions page for Transfer students
If you are considering coming to MSU Denver and then transferring to another University, such as CU Boulder, CU Denver, or Mines, be advised that we do not have guaranteed transfer agreements with them for our engineering courses. Be sure to check with your other program what courses will transfer.
We are glad that you would like to continue your academic career with us. You are in a unique position of being an experienced university or college student, possibly a graduate, but still being new to our school.
Many of your questions can be answered by the Transfer Services Team
The Transfer Services Team can answer questions about transfer credits and agreements with other colleges and universities, how to apply to MSU Denver, how to submit transcripts, how to contact someone if you have questions, and most importantly what to do after you have been admitted as a Roadrunner.
One additional step after being admitted is to contact the Engineering and Engineering Technology department. You will need to meet with the department advisor and with the Program Coordinator, see our Advising page or Our Faculty and Staff page for contact information, for the program you wish to pursue. At these appointments your engineering credits will be reviewed to match them to classes offered at MSU Denver. This is done because it is unlikely that your previous school used the same titles for classes that we use here. You may have to repeat this process with other departments like math and physics.
Good luck, we look forward to seeing you next semester.
To prepare a diverse high-quality workforce that is well versed in the art of applying science and engineering principals to an array of complex problems faced by Colorado’s industry.
To provide excellence in theoretical and practical instruction to a diverse student population, through a dedicated faculty, and the engagement of key external constituencies, including: employers, industry experts, and professional organizations.
Are you an industry professional who has an idea for a senior project?
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