
Our core curriculum of courses trains you in the most important aspects of Human Development, Clinical and Counseling Psychology, Social and Applied Psychology, and Cognitive/Biological Psychology. Your degree will ensure you have a strong background in all these disciplines and as you advance toward your degree, you will have the opportunity to select classes that acquaint you with more specialized aspects of each field. We also offer a rich array of special interest courses, including interdisciplinary offerings and courses cross-listed with women’s studies and intercultural studies.

Former students in front of their conference poster.

Getting Experience

We offer a number of opportunities for practical experience in the field, some research oriented and some more oriented to delivery of services. Our majors also have the opportunity to complete their own individual research projects under a faculty member’s supervision; we encourage presentation of research and theoretical papers at regional conferences. Our students have won both regional and national awards for their work. All of these opportunities increase a student’s chance of being accepted into a graduate program or being hired in a position related to psychology.


Our department has a very strong faculty with many successful authors and researchers pursuing diverse interests such as research methodology, early human development, multicultural issues, clinical psychology, neurophysiology, human sexuality, aging, death and dying, chronic pain, interventions for at-risk adolescents, and advanced computer-based statistical applications.

Headshot of Dr. Christopher Garris, Professor.
Person sitting and working on laptop.

Flexibility and Accessibility

The department is aware of the needs of nontraditional students and works to offer courses online and during morning/evening times as faculty availability and budgetary requirements permit. Please note that the Psychology major is not offered exclusively online. The Psychology major will require some coursework to be completed on the Auraria campus, during daytime hours. Interested in the Online Human Development & Family Studies major? [read more…]


We are located in the Plaza building and enjoy modern accommodations complete with computer lab, observation rooms, state-of-the-art media equipment, and meetings rooms available for a variety of special events. Come over and visit!

Faculty and student in a lab.